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"Seek first the Kingdom of God            
               his righteousness and all these
              things will be added to you"
              (Mathew 6, 33).
   ... Read more

            "For by one spirit, we were all
                    baptised into one body-
              Jews or Greeks,slaves or free
              and all were made to drink of one
           Spirit." (1 Cor. 12;13)... Read more

        " If you wish to be perfect, go and sell
          your possessions and give the money
          to the poor, and you will have treasure
         in heaven; then come, follow me"
          (Mat 19, 21-22). .... Read more


"Jesus said to His mother, woman, behold your son" then He said to the disciple, "Behold your mother"(John 19:26-27)


    "Here I am ,
for you called me!"
(1 Sam 3,5).


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The life and mission of the Marian Missionaries of God’s Kingdom consist in following and imitating Christ closely through the radical observance of the Gospel teachings. The members welcome and spread the teaching of Jesus Christ on the Kingdom of God, according to the example of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ. They use the witness of their lives and words, in line with the principles and spirituality of the Kingdom, to confront the problems of sectional, ethnic, racial and social prejudices and discriminations within the Church and in the society . To do this, they bind themselves with vows:

a) To observe the Evangelical Counsels (Chastity, Poverty and Obedience);

b) To proclaim the Gospel of God's Kingdom following the footsteps of Christ in the hidden and public dimensions of his life.

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Marian Missionaries ad Regnum Dei;-
Umuarakpa, Arongwa, Osisioma Ngwa L.G.A,
Abia State
P.O Box 21755, Aba.

Sr. Chikodili Nwokedi

Rev. Fr. Dr. Josephat Nwankwo
Spiritual Director

Sr. Victoria Akanaefu

Most Rev. Fortunatus Nwachukwu
E-mail: mmregnumdei

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven..."
(Mat 5.3ff)
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