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"Seek first the Kingdom of God            
               his righteousness and all these
              things will be added to you"
              (Mathew 6, 33).
   ... Read more

            "For by one spirit, we were all
                    baptised into one body-
              Jews or Greeks,slaves or free
              and all were made to drink of one
           Spirit." (1 Cor. 12;13)... Read more

        " If you wish to be perfect, go and sell
          your possessions and give the money
          to the poor, and you will have treasure
         in heaven; then come, follow me"
          (Mat 19, 21-22). .... Read more

The MMR will wear the crucifix with the image of the Crucified Lord Jesus embracing his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, from the cross. In his mother, Jesus Christ embraces all those who turn to him, drawing them into one love, that breaks all barriers of unjust prejudices and discriminations
(statute. 53)


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"For by one spirit, we were all baptised into one body - Jews or Greeks, slaves or free- and all were made to drink of one spirit" (Cor. 12:13)

Closely linked to the Marian Missionaries of God' s Kingdom, as associates, is the Ad Regnum Dei Association.

The members of the Ad Regnum Dei Association include every faithful, Lay Persons, Priests and Religious who wish to consecrate themselves in the Church to using the Gospel teaching to combat forms of sectional, ethnic, racial and social prejudices and discriminations among believers in Christ and in the society. The members of the Association are divided into three categories:

- The lay faithful according to their various states of life;

- Priests, Men and Women Religious who, in their various states of life, share the spirituality of the Association without prejudice or impediment to the specific charisms and finalities of their institutes or states of life;

- Members who, while remaining in the world, embrace celibacy, poverty and obedience for the sake of the Kingdom.

This third group of members constitute the Ad Regnum Dei Association of Saint Joseph, with the parental acronym, MMR. They share the rules of life of the Marian Missionaries, except their community life and religious outfit. They dedicate themselves more fully, like Saint Joseph, to secular and social works or activities.

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Marian Missionaries ad Regnum Dei;-
Umuarakpa, Arongwa, Osisioma Ngwa L.G.A,
Abia State
P.O Box 21755, Aba.

Sr. Chikodili Nwokedi

Rev. Fr. Dr. Josephat Nwankwo
Spiritual Director

Sr. Victoria Akanaefu

Most Rev. Fortunatus Nwachukwu
E-mail: mmregnumdei

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